Height Calculator

This calculator predicts a child's eventual adult height using a linear regression analysis technique and the heights of the parents.

Modifiy The Values And Click The Calculate Button To Use

Child's Age
Child's Gender
Child's Height
feet   inches
Child's Weight pounds
Mother's Height
feet   inches
Father's Height
feet   inches
Child's Height cm
Child's Weight kg
Mother's Height cm
Father's Height cm

Predicting Based on the Parents' Heights Only

This calculator uses the parents' height only. It can be used to predict the future heights of unborn children or very young infants.

Mother's Height
feet   inches
Father's Height
feet   inches
Mother's Height cm
Father's Height cm

Height Converter

The following converter can be used to convert the body height between the metric unit and the unit used in the United States.

US unit convert to metric unit:
feet   inches

Metric unit convert to US unit:

Common Questions about Height

"How tall will I be?" and "how tall will my child be?" are frequently posed queries. Height is a blend of genetic and environmental influences, with the exact mix being intricate. Genetics can account for between 60%-80% of our height. Children's height is often influenced by their parents' stature but regresses toward the average, meaning children of very tall or short parents tend to be nearer to average height.

Factors Influencing Height Growth

Nutrition, overall health, sports activities, maternal health and age during pregnancy, and more all play crucial roles in determining a child's ultimate height. Growth is most rapid in infancy and toddlerhood, slowing after age 2. A secondary growth spurt occurs during puberty and typically tapers off around 15 for females and 18 for males. Some individuals may experience a decrease in height starting in middle age, due to factors like reduced intervertebral disc height or degenerative diseases.

The Science Behind Height Predictions

There are myriad methods to predict a child's eventual height, but all come with a margin of error. One highly regarded method involves determining bone age, often via the Greulich-Pyle method, which measures bone age through left hand and wrist radiographs. This approach matches the individual's radiograph to a standard from the Greulich-Pyle atlas. Using bone age and the child's current height, predictions are made based on remaining growth potential. It's worth noting that the atlas's data, gathered between 1931 and 1942 from Caucasian children, might not be wholly representative of today's diverse population.

Predicting Child's Height: Methods Explored

Khamis-Roche Method

The Khamis-Roche method stands out as one of the most precise height prediction techniques that doesn't necessitate bone age measurements. This method derives predictions from a child's current stature, weight, and the parents' average height. The primary calculator discussed earlier predominantly employs this approach. It's pertinent to note its best applicability to Caucasian children aged 4 to 9 who don't have growth-related medical conditions.

Utilizing CDC Growth Charts

Growth charts from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) of the United States offer valuable insights into a child's growth trajectory. These charts, totaling 16, showcase percentile curves reflecting body measurements of American children. They allow parents and professionals to juxtapose a child's metrics like height, weight, and head circumference against the normative data of peers of the same age and gender. Since children typically follow a consistent growth trajectory, these charts can somewhat predict their adult height.

Simplified Height Prediction Methods

While there are numerous complex methods to predict a child's adult height, some simpler (albeit less accurate) methods are also popular. One method involves adding 2.5 inches (7.6 cm) to the parents' height average for a boy and subtracting the same amount for a girl. The second commonly used method suggests that for a boy, you double his height at age 2 and for a girl, her height at 18 months.

Factors Determining Height

Height, predominantly (60-80%), is a genetic attribute. Children of taller parents tend to be taller, while those of shorter parents might lean towards a shorter stature. However, the child's height is generally closer to the average than their parents. Post-puberty growth is limited, with girls usually ceasing growth by 15 and boys by 18.

Boosting Natural Height Growth

While genetics play a crucial role, environmental and lifestyle factors also have an impact. Prenatal nutrition and health can set the foundation for a child's height. Post-birth, nutrition and physical activity play pivotal roles.

For optimal growth, consider the following:

  • Embrace a diet rich in unprocessed foods including fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, and dairy.
  • Limit intake of high sugar, trans fats, saturated fats, and sodium-laden foods.
  • Regular physical activity helps in bone and muscle strengthening.
  • Maintaining a good posture not only presents an appearance of height but also prevents long-term posture-related height issues.
  • Adequate sleep is vital as the human growth hormone, pivotal for growth, is primarily released during sleep.

In certain cases, underlying medical conditions might hinder growth. Always consult a doctor if growth concerns arise. For most, post-puberty height remains consistent through adulthood.

What Size am i based on Height and Weight Calculator?

Your size based on height and weight is determined using a Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator, which evaluates body weight relative to height. It provides a classification such as underweight, normal, overweight, or obese.

How to Calculate Square feet from length Width and Height?

To calculate square feet from length and width, multiply them together. Height is not needed for square footage. Formula: Square Feet = Length × Width.